Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kronborg Castle: Decorative Details, Tapestries, Story Carvings

Kronborg Decorates.
Up Close
The Artist, the Carver
The Personal

1. Tapestries, personalized.

Kronborg has a whole tapestry room.  Enjoy the Nativity, with the amazed cow, with headdress; and the donkey, with its tongue out, about to lick the baby?

Joseph says, Wha?

Joseph is none too handsome. These tapestry details would not show the detail unless highlighted with shadows, thus the change in shade to a cooler tone.  The original is more tawny.

Some medieval tapestries show vehicles and lights in space, apparently. Next person to Kronborg: check the Tapestry room, after reviewing this site at;  and please translate the wording.  We understand these were used as teaching tools not only the ladies doing their needlework year after year, but for anyone who came to the castle.

Read the history of tapestries and their uses at wall insulation, providing warmth; portable castle to castle; status.  The blue color would have come from woad, an expensive wood source from the South of France, in Cathar country. The numbers of colors were limited.

The Papal Crusade against the Cathars, the Albigensians in the South of France and the Pyrenees, extended 1000-1300+, perhaps at the same time as these tapestries were woven.  The teaching of doctrine would have been particularly important also because the Inquisition was commencing just as the Cathars and Alibigensians, believing in a gnostic or dual theology of Christianity, were being wiped out as heretic. See Timeline, Heresy Wars, Cathars 

2.  Carved stories on chests, wardrobes:

Rosettes are a favored design feature from the Middle East to Europe.  Do a search for rosette design history, and find a timeline of its use and meanings, from 196 BC in Egypt, to Mesopotamia, and see also

The front of the chest shows two scenes from Eden, details of panels below. Note all the rosettes: one of the earliest decorative motifs in the world.  Egypt, Mesopotamia, follows human migrations.  Is it in Africa?
On the far right, the angel guarding the way to Eden (never come back no more) also is depicted as female, as the Bible says.

The panels represent Eve's arrival in her own right, and the temptation.  See panels below. Note, though, that the Tempter is not in the form of a snake. 

Question for theologians:  Is a deity all-powerful who cannot control the borders?  Joke.

There is no "removal" of a "rib" from a "male" and then a creation of a female out of it.  Instead, one entity sleeps, and half of it is separated out.  Right this way, dear.  Adm as Hermaphrodite.

Both beings are right there, as the Bible says.  Yet the buck got passed.  Adam condoned, participated, assumed the risk. Did he ever tell her which tree was meant as forbidden?  The deity didn't.  The deity relied on Adam to pass the word. There were lots of trees, and which is in the "center" of a huge Eden? Which is knowledge? Which is life? Help out here, says Eve.

How was she to know which was off limits. I can't even find my way to the soup aisle.

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